Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his 58th birthday on Thursday. The ‘final of the celebs’ started the celebrations by making a particular look on his balcony at Mannat and greeting his followers. However the cherry on the cake was Dunki’s teaser launch and through the identical, SRK had a blast amongst his followers. The star grooved to his chartbusters songs and sure followers went bananas.
Within the video shared by Shah Rukh Khan on Instagram, the actor will be seen shaking a leg to Jhoome Jo Pathaan from Pathaan and Ramaiya Vastavaiah from Jawan. Sharing the video, he additionally thanked the hundreds of thousands of his followers for making his day particular. He wrote, “Celebrating with all of u is all the time particular… thanks for making my day!!!”
Watch Shah Rukh Khan’s video right here:
Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday at Mannat
At midnight, 1000’s of followers gathered outdoors Mannat to get a glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan. Like yearly, SRK appeared on his balcony and greeted his followers who have been ready for only one glimpse of the star. He regarded dapper in a clean-shaven look and sported camouflaged pants and a black T-shirt.
Expressing his gratitude to his followers, SRK wrote on Twitter, now X, “It’s unbelievable that so lots of u come & want me late at evening. I’m however a mere actor. Nothing makes me happier, than, the truth that I can entertain u a bit. I reside in a dream of your love. Thank u for permitting me to entertain you all. C u within the morning…on the display & off it.”
Check out the tweet right here:
After Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan is all set to woo his followers but once more with Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. Co-starring Taapsee Pannu, the movie is all set to hit the silver display on December 22.
Additionally Learn: Not 2023, THIS yr was the perfect in Shah Rukh Khan’s movie profession
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