Tamil actor Ashok Selvan has tied the knot with Arun Pandian’s daughter Keerthi Pandain. The couple took to social media to share lovely and dreamy marriage ceremony footage. Together with the submit, the caption learn, “Like water in a copper, The center of affection is combined…#AshoKee #Grateful”. Movie fraternity and followers congratulated the couple for the brand new starting within the feedback. “aww cutee!! 1…congratulations to each of you”, wrote a consumer. “Wishing you each a really blissful and affluent married life”, wrote one other consumer.
Keerthi Pandian’s cousin Ramya Pandian too shared the marriage footage and congratulated the couple. Together with the submit, she wrote within the caption, “Glad married life my pricey Kanmani @KeerthiPandian and welcome to our household our dearest Maapilai @Ashokselvan”.
Ashok Selvan has labored in quite a few Tamil movies. He made his debut within the 2013 movie Soodhu Kavvum that includes alongside star star-studded forged together with Vijay Sethupathi, Bobby Simha, and Sanchita Shetty. The film went on to grow to be a business success. He additionally gained essential popularity of his performances in C.V Kumar’s productions Pizza II: Villa in and Thegidi. He has additionally labored in Telugu movie Ninnila Ninnila and likewise made a cameo look in Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam. He’ll subsequent be seen in two tasks together with Saba Nayagan and Blue Star.
Keerthi Pandian is the daughter of Tamil actor and politician Arun Pandian and Vijay Pandian. She has a cousin and sister Ramya Pandian, who can also be an actress. Keerthi Pandian made her debut in Tamil cinema within the 2019 movie Thumbaa. She then garnered essential popularity of her efficiency in Anbikiniyal.
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