Malayalam cine-serial actor Aparna Nair was discovered hanging at her residence in Thiruvananthapuram, police stated on Friday. The 33-year previous actor, who has acted in just a few motion pictures and quite a few serials, was discovered hanging inside her room at her residence close to Karamana right here final night time, police stated. Aparna was staying together with her husband and their youngsters, police stated.
The incident occurred round 7.30 PM on Thursday. Police stated they had been knowledgeable in regards to the incident by the personal hospital the place she was admitted after she was discovered hanging.
“We acquired the knowledge from the hospital and have registered a case for unnatural dying,” a police officer informed PTI. She is survived by her husband and two youngsters.
Police suspect that it was a case of suicide and that household points had been behind the acute step. An investigation has been launched into the incident, the police added.
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