Akshay Kumar on Saturday took to his social media accounts to share a glimpse of his upcoming music titled Shambhu. The actor is about to captivate audiences with a soul-stirring music video, which is slated for launch on February 5, 2024. Unveiling a movement poster of the music, the actor showcased his transformation into a faithful Shiv Bhakt, radiating real reverence for Lord Shiva.
Within the movement poster, Akshay is seen wearing a conventional apparel, embracing the essence of a Shiv Bhakt on this unseen avatar with a sacred Tripundra tilak, symbolic tattoos, and a portrayal reflecting deep devotion. The poster additionally captures the divine aura with lengthy locks, Rudraksha beads, a nostril ring, and a Trishul in hand which are important symbols in Shiva worship.
The music additionally guarantees a melodious journey into spirituality, guided by Akshay’s devotional avatar. The music video, which is releasing on February 5 additionally marks Akshay Kumar’s first venture of 2024.
Watch the music:
Extra deets in regards to the music
Shambhu is sung by Akshay Kumar himself together with Sudhir Yaduvanshi, and Vikram Montrose. The lyrics are penned by Abhinav Shekhar, and the music consists by Vikram Montrose. The music is about to launch on the Occasions Music YouTube channel on February 5.
Akshay’s different tasks
Aside from this, Akshay Kumar can also be equipped for his subsequent huge launch titled Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. The movie additionally stars Tiger Shroff within the lead function. Will probably be launched on the event of Eid, clashing with Ajay Devgn’s Maidaan.
He will even be seen in Rohit Shetty’s directorial, Singham Once more. It is going to hit the large screens on Independence Day this yr.
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